Singing Guide: Kenny G

Singing Guide: Kenny G

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Kenny G: Vocal Techniques and Practical Advice

Vocal Technique

As an instrumentalist, Kenny G has a very unique vocal style that can take many years to learn. The key to singing like Kenny G is to master the art of singing with a smooth and silky delivery, emphasizing the use of vibrato and legato phrasing. You can do this by practicing your breathing techniques, paying attention to your pitch accuracy, and becoming more familiar with your vocal range.

Another important aspect of Kenny G's vocal style is his use of vocal registers. He often uses his falsetto voice to create a high note that is both full and rich. To sing like Kenny G, it is essential to develop your vocal range across all registers, so that you can achieve a high note when needed. Try Singing Carrots' Pitch Training and Vocal Range Test exercises to build your register range and accuracy.

Popular Songs

To get a better sense of Kenny G's vocal style, it's important to listen to his music and study his most popular songs. Here's a list of some of Kenny G's most iconic hits to listen to:

  • "Songbird"
  • "The Moment"
  • "Don't Make Me Wait For Love"
  • "Forever In Love"
  • "Going Home"
  • "Havana"
  • "Silhouette"

By studying these songs, you can start to understand Kenny G's vocal style and practice singing along with him. This can be a great way to build your own vocal range and improve your pitch accuracy.

Singing Carrots Resources

To help you develop your singing abilities in the style of Kenny G, Singing Carrots offers a number of resources that can be useful. Here are some of the best exercises and articles to take a closer look at:

  • The Vocal Range Test - use this to determine your vocal range and compare it to Kenny G's.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test - practice your pitch accuracy and compare it to Kenny G's unique approach.
  • Singing with Vibrato - learn more about vibrato and how to incorporate it into your singing.
  • How to Learn a Song Effectively - learn practical tips on how to approach learning songs, just like Kenny G does.
  • Vocal Health - maintain healthy vocal habits just like Kenny G, with advice on proper breathing and hydration techniques.

With the help of these resources, along with some dedicated practice and hard work, you will begin to sound just like Kenny G in no time.


Although Kenny G is best known as an instrumentalist, his unique singing style and vocal techniques have helped him become one of the most iconic musicians of our time. By following the tips and resources outlined in this article, you can start to develop your own singing abilities in the style of Kenny G, and enhance your overall vocal range and accuracy in the process. Start practicing today and you'll be hitting those high notes with ease in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.